Helping you reach your potential
At Hampden Park we have a qualified, experienced English Bowls coach who is happy to help everyone to enjoy playing the sport of bowls. All bowls coaching is FREE of charge.
For those who have never played, there are sessions covering the basics of the game which then enable them to play at a social level with other members, further sessions developing their game as their knowledge grows, through to specific focus sessions.
During the season, there is a Saturday morning 'Taster Session' 10-12 am slot for potential new bowlers. You can call the Club on 01323 500460 to confirm that you will attend on a particular Saturday, or just come along on any Saturday. A taster session will normally last about an hour in total.
We can provide 4 x 90 minute coaching sessions [over a month] for new bowlers [including those following on from taster sessions]. Days and times for these sessions to be agreed with the individuals concerned.
To have a go, all anybody needs is a pair of flat-soled shoes and comfortable clothing, plus some enthusiasm! We can initially lend the equipment at each session, even when you first join, and guide you through what you will need if you decide to take up the sport of bowls.
If you want more information about learning to bowl, including the rules of the game, please visit this web site

Experienced bowlers sometimes find a bad habit or unexpected problem occurs and assistance with solving these is also readily available.
One to one sessions as required will be offered to existing members on specific bowling topics. These can be 60 – 90 minutes duration, any of which can be videoed. Other group sessions on selected bowling topics can also be arranged.